Puffins - Year 3

Mrs Abbie Cartledge
Puffin's Class Teacher

Mrs Kelly Cullingford
Puffin's Teaching Assistant ( SEN )

Mrs Kirsty Lonnen
Puffin's Teaching Assistant ( SEN )
In Puffins class we are really looking forward to our Stone Age topic followed by walking with dinosaurs after the October half term! We will be exploring the Stone Age times throughout the Wow day but then continue this looking at the settlements they lived in, how they hunted for food and what life was like during this period of time. Walking with the Dinosaurs will bring another Wow day and researching about Mary Anning. We will be answering the following questions as we immerse ourselves into this time period. Where they lived? What they ate? Why they became extinct? What types of dinosaurs there were? And lots of other fun facts.
In maths we begin our year extending our place value knowledge progressing onto our first two operations addition and subtraction. We will look at counting on and back on a number line and also partitioning numbers to help us work out these calculations. We will have a heavy focus on problem solving and reasoning as this is an area which we find more challenging in year 3. The children in Puffins class will be also practicing their times tables to help future calculations be easier to complete.
We look forward to our learning this term as we settle into our new classes with our new teachers.
Please remember our PE days are on a Monday (indoor) and on a Wednesday (outdoor).
We will have two book change days and they will be on a Monday and Thursday.
We will look at the home learning on a Friday.
Books we are reading

Contents to follow