Squirells - Year 1

Squirrels - Year 1

Miss Molly Pledger
Squirrel's Class Teacher

Mrs Rebecca Rowe
Squirrel's Teaching Assistant ( SEN )

Mrs Lisa Neacy
Squirrel's HLTA/ Phonics Interventions

Mrs Sam Hanley
Squirrel's Teaching Assistant
Hello and welcome to squirrels class!
Our topic this half term is ‘Through the keyhole” and we will be looking through the keyholes of our local area, Cardea. We will explore places such as Morrisons, The Apple Cart, the park, the pavilion, Chicken Corner etc.. and can’t wait to go on a walk to show Barnaby Bear all these places and discuss what we love about where we live and explain how it is changing.
We are also starting our half term with the book ‘The Suitcase’ by Chris Naylor- Balesteros which gives us lots of opportunities to explore how characters are feeling, orally rehearse our sentences and write them down using the phonics sounds we know.
We will also find out what adventures the tiger gets up to when he finds himself in an unfamiliar area, entering Sophie and her mother’s house uninvited in the book “The Tiger Who Came To Tea” by Judith Kerr.
We have lots of exciting activities planned this half term such as a class tea party, a walk around Cardea and a trip to Hamerton Zoo.
Don’t forget we have our outdoor PE session on a Tuesday and our indoor PE session on a Thursday so we can come in to school in our PE kits on these days.
Remember to read at home and bring your book and diary in on a Monday so we can change your book and give you them back on Wednesday. We will visit the library and change our reading for pleasure books on a Friday.
Year 1 News
Books we are reading

Books to follow
Contents to follow