Parent's Evenings
We feel it is important for parents to have time to discuss their child's progress and care with their class teacher and, in turn, forge a partnership with the school to work together to give your child the very best support and educational opportunities.
With this in mind we hold a parent consultation event in the Autumn term and in the Spring Term; a school report is issued in the summer term summarising your child's progress and achievements for the school year.
That said, if a parent has a troubling concern or helpful suggestion, we would always be happy to arrange for you to meet with the class teacher after school or arrange a telephone appointment.
Appointments slots can be booked via your Magicbookings account. This gives parents the opportunity to choose an appointment which best fits their family commitments. Feedback from parents regrading this system was very favourable. If you experience any difficulties booking your appointments, please let the school office know and they will offer advice.