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Caterpillars - EYFS


Kingfishers - Year 3

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Miss Ellie McMullon

Kingfisher's Class Teacher


In Kingfishers class we are really looking forward to our Dinosaur topic and walking with a dinosaur in October! We will be learning all about dinosaurs. Where they lived? What they ate? Why they became extinct? What types of dinosaurs there were? And lots of other fun facts. We will have the opportunity to look at a story all about a dinosaur who experiences the human life after travelling through a vortex. This story is written by Julia Donaldson and is called The Dinosaurs Diary. 

In maths we begin our year extending our place value knowledge. We will look at the hundreds, tens and ones and use number lines to explore this. The children will be completing a sketching unit that will involve sketching their own dinosaur and they will also explore dinosaurs throughout their music sessions too. 


We look forward to our learning this half term as we settle into our new classes with our new teachers. 


Please remember our PE days are both outside this half term whilst the weather is still good. They are on a Monday and Wednesday.


We will have two book change days and they will be on a Monday and Thursday. 


Books we are reading

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Books to follow

Contents to follow


Year 3 News

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