School Prayers
We invite our children to pray at least three times through the school day.Our prayers are said before food (breakfast and lunchtime), during Collective Worship and at home time.The children are invited to join in with the words or to simply say 'Amen' at the end.
If they choose to not pray then we ask them to take time to reflect, pause and think about something specific such as living our core values, our vision or something they are grateful for in their life.
These prayers are on display in the classrooms and around school.
We also say 'Our School Prayer' and the 'Lord's Prayer' during Collective Worship.

Our School Prayer
This was written by the children who first started the school in 2012. It is said regularly in school during Collective Worship and other times in the school day.
Dear Lord,
Hear our prayer,
Help us to enjoy our school and the wonderful world you have created,
Teach us to respect ourselves and each other.
Show us how to care as you care for each one of us.
Give us the skills to use our talents wisely, so that we are the best we can be.
In our hearts, we pray,
The Beehive
Home Time
Breakfast / Lunchtime
Dear Lord,
Thank you for ourdelicious breakfast,
To prepare our brains for a day of learning.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our time at school,
Help us to learn to rest, play and enjoy life too.
Home Time
Breakfast / Lunchtime
Dear Lord
Thank you for the food we eat and the friends we get to meet.
Dear Lord
Now the working day is done thanks for making learning fun
Key Stage 1
Home Time
Breakfast / Lunchtime
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you Lord for everything.
Dear Lord,
Now the busy day is done,
Father, bless us everyone,
Keep us safely through the night,
Till we see the morning light.
Key Stage 2
Home Time
Breakfast / Lunchtime
Dear Lord,
For what we are about to receive,
May the Lord make us truly thankful.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our lovely day,
Help us as we go on our way,
Thank you for all we have got,
Help us to persevere and never stop.