Transferts en cours d'année
Les demandes de transfert en cours d'année à l'école St Michael's Church peuvent être faites via the Site Web du conseil municipal de Peterborough - Admissions en cours d'année.
Malheureusement, nous ne sommes actuellement pas en mesure de faire visiter l'école aux futurs élèves en raison de COVID-19, mais vous trouverez de nombreuses informations sur notre site Web et vous pouvez nous contacter en utilisant le suivant lien, si vous avez des questions ou des requêtes.
Nouveau à la réception 2023
Si votre enfant est né entre le 1er septembre 2018 et le 31 août 2019 et n'a pas encore postulé pour la place de votre enfant, veuillez postuler maintenant via Site Web du conseil municipal de Peterborough - Réception d'ouverture. Les dates de clôture des candidatures tardives / secondaires sont le 2 mai.
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous pourrons à nouveau animer notre soirée portes ouvertes pour les parents de nouveaux entrants. Cela aura lieu le jeudi 9 juin à 18h30. Les parents auront l'occasion de voir l'école, de rencontrer l'équipe, de goûter à notre incroyable menu du midi, de commander un uniforme et bien plus encore.
Qui est responsable des admissions dans notre école ?
The Ely Diocesan Board of Education, in consultation with the Parochial Church Council of St Michael’s Parish Church, appoint a majority of the Governors. The local council and the school staff are also represented on the governing body. As an aided school, the governing body is the admissions authority. Therefore, the Governing Body sets and applies the admissions policy for the School. All decisions regarding the admission of children into our school are made by a sub-committee of the Governing Body.
Comment faire une demande de place pour mon enfant ?
The application process for admissions into the Reception Year (initial year of entry) is co-ordinated by the Local Authority (LA), which acts on behalf of the Governing Body to offer places at our school. Parents should submit the online application form, available through the LA Admissions Team website linked below. If successful, offer letters will be issued by the LA. Late applications (those submitted between the deadline and the end of the first week of the autumn term) will also be handled by the LA Admissions Team. To apply for a place after the start of term or in any other year group, please contact the LA Admissions Team.
Puis-je visiter l'école avant de postuler ?
Parents wishing to visit the school prior to submitting an application are welcome to do so, though it may not always be possible to organise this at short notice. Visits are not interviews and do not affect any decision regarding the availability of a place. Please contact the school office to make arrangements. All parents are advised to read the LA booklet for parents on primary admissions.
Comment les places sont-elles proposées ?
For admission into the Reception Year in September, the LA, on behalf of the Governing Body, will offer places to 60 children. This is the Published Admission Number (PAN) for that year group. In the event that more than 60 applications are received, the oversubscription criteria will be applied to determine priority for places. All preferences will be treated equally, regardless of whether they are first, second or third preferences. For children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Educational Need) or social circumstances where these needs can be best met at our school, written professional supporting evidence must be provided. A professionally qualified person such as a medical doctor, psychologist or social worker must set out in writing the particular reasons why this school will best meet the needs of the child and the difficulties which would be caused if the child had to attend an alternative school.
Ouel est le critère de sursouscription ?
Where applications exceed the Pupil Admission Number (PAN), places will be allocated in order to: 1.A “looked after child” or a child who has previously been looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of the local authority, or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989) 2.Children living in catchment who have siblings attending the school at the time of admission; 3.Children living in catchment who normally attend a church in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and whose parents are practising members of that church and attend at least monthly; 4.Children living in catchment; 5.Children living outside catchment who normally attend St Michael’s Church, and whose parents are practising members of that church and attend at least monthly; 6.Children living outside catchment who normally attend a church in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and whose parents are practising members of that church and attend at least monthly; 7.Children living outside catchment who have siblings attending the school at the time of admission; 8.Children living outside catchment, but nearest the school according to the shortest straight-line distance. In cases of equal merit, priority will go to children living nearest the school according to the shortest straight-line distance. For Years 1-2, the PAN is 60. If a place becomes available it will be offered to the child at the top of the reserve list for the year group or, if no reserve list exists, the place will be offered to the first child for whom an application is received. For Years 3 to 6 (2016-2017), the PAN is 60. The Governing Body may admit over the PAN in A map and/or further information is available from the school. The address used for the purpose of admission is the home address at the time of application. Application based on future addresses can only be considered up to 6 teaching weeks before the child is expected to take up the place and upon confirmation of tenancy or exchange of contracts. Parents applying on religious grounds must complete a supplementary information form – available from the school, confirming – membership of the church, the family’s general attendance, length and degree of involvement in the life and work of the church and the parents’ commitment to a Christian upbringing of their children. This form must be countersigned by the church leader. 3 A sibling is defined as another child of compulsory school age living in the same family home.
If your child is not offered a place here at St Michael's you have the right to appeal the decision through Peterborough City Council Admissions Department. Please click on the following link: School admissions appeals - Peterborough City Council Appeals Timetable:
Secondary School Applications
The first admissions round has now closed (deadline 31 October 2024) if you submitted your application during the first round you will receive your offer on 1 March 2025. If you have not applied, or are making an amendment you can submit a late application before the deadline of 31 March 2025. You will receive your offer on 27 April 2025. Applications received after the 1 April 2025 will be individually considered in date order.